Author: rji
An Open Letter from an Ordinary Jew to Fundamentalists – Whether You be Muslim, Christian, or Jewish
I believe God to represent (among other things) “The Highest Common Bond Among Humanity” and that His Strength is determined by “How Well We Treat One-Another,” i.e., “Works.” I believe it likely, therefore, that God could care less what we think about Him, personally.
Is There a Huge Transforming Cancer Potentially Infecting Humanity?
Are there any isomorphisms between transforming viruses – such as some of the double-stranded DNA viruses like Herpes or Polyoma or Papilloma – and Islam?
Fuels that Fire Anti-Semitism?
“Its all about you – not at all about me.” – What we Jews and alcoholics have in common. Q) How does every alcoholic define an “alcoholic?” A) Anybody that drinks more than I do! – Of the few precepts which have kept me in a relatively low grade of insanity has been one to…
NDC Mathematics Chief Solves FLT (Fermat’s Last Theorem) with Simple (Non-Abstract) Algebra
A Non–Abstract Algebraic Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem By DM Delinferni, Jr. Chief, Pure and Applied Mathematics Branch, National Diabetes Center ( See also The only universal restriction to the set forming Pythagorean Triples [of the (n=2) second order] can be represented by the following equivalent identities labeled as (#1) and (#2) respectively:- For…
Scale and Parity in Gaza
Make no mistake, there is a religious war occurring throughout the world, and wherever there is intersection between Muslims and non-Muslims, there is conflict. Moreover, the Jews are, as usual, the de facto scapegoats-de-jour. Islam, which is in reality a movement for universal domination merely masquerading as religion, has captivated public news media with cries…
DEI Has No Place in Medicine
Only the best students should become physicians. Sheila Nazarian is absolutely correct. Follow her line of reasoning. Too many aspects of society are stooping to their lowest levels. Regression to the mean is the universal outcome, and healthcare reflects that. Medical students who are less intelligent become poorer providers. Our healthcare statistics reflect that. Universal…
Kindly Do Not Impose Your Vision of an “Ideal World” Upon Me
I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of cock-sure, self-righteous morons in all fields of endeavor trying to tell me what is right and wrong or good and bad. Whenever any of us try to do that the outcome is almost certainly in grave doubt. Consider, if you will, religion or…
Simple Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem –
The simplest explanation why Xn + Yn = Zn for n >or= 2 cannot include all non-zero X, Y, Z ɜZ or ɜQ is that when n>2, X,Y, and Z cannot all be represented by algebraic integers in any given base x as they can easily be when n ≤ 2. Click here for a…
DEI – Is the new god of the Leftists, but to DIE – Duplicity, Inequity, and Exclusion – is its ultimate fate
Listen to Dershowitz on Kudlow (FOX Business) ALAN DERSHOWITZ: – DEI is the main cause of anti-Semitism on campus today. It divides students along racial and religious lines and creates a zero-sum game. If you are in favor of one group, you’re against another group. It is a real problem, it is anti-intellectual. It is…
King Lear and Proverbs (11:29)
There are those who find Shakespeare’s tragedy, King Lear, immensely troubling. For me, however, it is totally an exposition of this beautiful proverb. Shakespeare himself believed that he was cuckolded by his brother (and even left his wife his “second-best bed.”) Many of his plays – including Hamlet – hit this theme of familial adultery.…