Transgender Medication and Surgery

You may have heard that this or that medical society “supports” a given position or other, but the simple fact is that this is far from a decision informed by (or even to) a majority of its members. It is, on its face and reliably, a position statement of the organization’s “leaders.”

As you probably understand, I vehemently object to these practices.

Specifically when it comes to transgender medication or surgery, there have been no “well-controlled, prospective, randomized studies” to support any recommendations by either the Endocrine Society or the American Medical Association to engage in any practices which may in fact violate the first rule of medicine, i.e., to “do no harm” to any of these prospective patients.

These organizations should cease and desist from these ill-informed practices of “thought control” and fake information.

R.J.Innerfield, MD, FACE, WebEditor


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