NDC Mathematics Chief Solves FLT (Fermat’s Last Theorem) with Simple (Non-Abstract) Algebra

A NonAbstract Algebraic Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem

By DM Delinferni, Jr. Chief, Pure and Applied Mathematics Branch, National Diabetes Center (dmd@delinferni.diabetes-mellitus.org)

See also https://diabetes-mellitus.org/nonabstractalgflt.pdf

The only universal restriction to the set forming Pythagorean Triples [of the (n=2) second order] can be represented by the following equivalent identities labeled as (#1) and (#2) respectively:-

For any base x where X02+Y02=Z0 2and a=Z0-Y0  

#1) (2ax0+a2)2 + (2ax02+2a2 x0+(a3 – a)/2)2 = (2ax02+2a2 x0+(a3 – a)/2)2

Consider two right-triangles, A and B which are related in that

a) the base of the larger triangle (B) is the square of the base of the smaller triangle (A)

b) the difference between the hypotenuse and the vertical arms of both triangles is the same and equal to some measure, “a

c) we will be interested in framing the vertical arms, “x” and “y”, of the both triangles, (A) and (B), as functions of the vertical arm, “d”, of the smaller triangle, (A), as well as of the difference, “a”.

x = (=x1/2)2 = (d + a)2 – d2 = (2ad + a2) = 2a ∙ a2d

x2 = (y + a)2 – y2 = (2ay + a2) = (2ad + a2)2 = 4 a2d2+ 4a3d + a4

2ay = 4 a2d2+ 4a3d + a4 a2

y = 2ad2 + 2a2d + (a3 a)/2 = 2a ∙ 2a2 ∙ (a3 – a)/2d

z = y + a = 2a ∙ 2a2 ∙ (a3 + a)/2d

And if Z1 – Y1 =1, substituting k=a-1 and x1=x0+(a-1)/2, then :-

#2) k[( 2x1+1)2  + ( 2x12+ 2x1)2   =( 2x12+ 2x1 +1)2]

or where subscripts represent the base variable “x1and ““ separates its powers,

        #2a) k[( 21x1)2  + ( 220x1)2   = ( 221x1)2]

Then, if some X1n + Y1n   = Z1n  were to represent another true identity, it would of necessity map to any other true identity including, but not limited to,

X02 + Y02 = Z02So, dividing both sides of  X1n + Y1n   = Z1n  by k=(Z1-Y1),  

and letting A= X1/k, B= Y1/k, and C= Z1/k, then  (C-B) = 1, and :-

k(An + Bn = Cn)

Therefore via identity #2a

k[ (n√(21x1)2)n  + (n (220x1)2 )n  = (n (221x1)2)n]

substituting  A=n√(21x1)2   , B= n (220x1)2   and C= n (220x1)2,

then in order for A, B, and C to all be non-zero and rational with any odd n>2, all three (A,B, and C) would of necessity have to have rational 2nth roots – which seems on its face to be absurd as B and C only differ by 1.  This is confirmed via a very nice proof offered by Professor A. Rosenbloom of the University of Toronto, since B and C differ by 1, and  B=Y2n, and C=B+1=Z2n, then 1 = Z2n  – Y2n and 1=(Zn+Yn)( Zn-Yn).  Therefore both (Zn+Yn) and ( Zn-Yn) must divide  and equal 1 implying either Z or Y =0 and the other =1.

And, therefore,  FLT must hold for non-zero rationals with any odd n>2.


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