Kindly Do Not Impose Your Vision of an “Ideal World” Upon Me

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of cock-sure, self-righteous morons in all fields of endeavor trying to tell me what is right and wrong or good and bad. Whenever any of us try to do that the outcome is almost certainly in grave doubt. Consider, if you will, religion or climate change, or DEI or George Floyd.

Thoughts on Seeing “The Fall of Minneapolis

Not with hatred nor delusion

But with reason not confusion,

Let us take our country back

From the leftist and the black

And the misfit and dysphoric

From LA across to Warwick.

Those who wish our country fails

Riot, loot – should bide in jails,

And the crimin’lly insane

Separated from the main.

Let our spirits not be broken

Or our hopes be just a token

Of the light so all can see

Truth and justice shining free.


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