Are there any isomorphisms between transforming viruses – such as some of the double-stranded DNA viruses like Herpes or Polyoma or Papilloma – and Islam?
1.V) These double-stranded DNA viruses can be extremely destructive and conquest acutely through invasive attacks.
1.I) Islam historically has gained hegemony through incredibly brutal attacks described as “Jihad“.
2.V) After the acute infectious phase these viruses can remain “latent” for long periods of time in targeted cells.
2.I) Despite apparent subjugation, Islam can quietly integrate into communities and remain apparently “peaceful” , “harmless”, and “submissive” for long periods of time.
3.V) During periods of relative immuno-compromise these viruses can reactivate and “transform”/infest governing nuclear machinery transforming “benign” cells into “malignant” ones which may metastasize wildly.
3.I) During times of weakness Islam can become near-majorities predominating democratic bodies transforming countries into Islamic states which may metastasize wildly.
Q.1) Is Islam then a movement for world domination which merely masquerades as religion?
Q.2) Can or should democracies devoted to religious freedom treat Islam differently? If so, how? If not, for whom doth the bell toll?
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