Fuels that Fire Anti-Semitism?

“Its all about you – not at all about me.” – What we Jews and alcoholics have in common.

Q) How does every alcoholic define an “alcoholic?” 

A) Anybody that drinks more than I do!

– Of the few precepts which have kept me in a relatively low grade of insanity has been one to maintain a very low expectation of others:-  “Blessed are they who can do this for they shall not be disappointed.”]

Unfortunately one of my biases which continues to gain increasing  reinforcement is that we Jews – particularly the more progressive amongst us – appear to have a much higher expectation of others than we do of ourselves.

Indeed, I have just come across a few fascinating lines from Alessandro Manzoni’s masterpiece, I Promessi Sposi (“The Betrothed”).  Spoken by the beloved Cardinal Frederick Borromeo in the middle of the 26th chapter:- 

“It is but too true,” said Frederick, “Such is our terrible and miserable condition! We exact rigorously from others that which it may be, we would not be willing to render ourselves. We judge, correct, and reprimand, and God alone knows what we would do in the same situation, what we have done in similar situations. But, woe to me, If I take my weakness for the measure of another duty, for the rule of my instruction! Nevertheless, it is certain, that while imparting precepts, I should also afford an example to my neighbor, and not resemble the Pharisee, who imposes on others, enormous burdens, which he himself would not so much as touch with his finger.”

26 Matthew 

 Woe unto you, hypocrites and scribes…”  (from  CNN, WaPost, MSNBC, NY Times, Boston Herald, LA Times, JStreet, OneWorld(Soros) …) “…and Pharisees  – 

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

Ergo, speak no more of Tikun Olam. (“Heal the world”) Speak only of Tikun Iy! (“Heal myself!”)

-R.Innerfield MD



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