Islam’s Fake Followers

TheNYTimes Thomas Friedman is wrong once again. He has been wrong on Japan, wrong on  Brexit, and wrong again on Israel. “Alles schlecht sind drei.”  His hatred of Netanyahu has blinded whatever reason he may possess. The two-state solution is an obvious non-starter. What is needed is one state with constitutional separation of church and state and citizenship for all constituents (see 

If “palestinian” Muslims were true believers they would submit to their holy Qu’ran in verse 17: 104 which states, “And We (Allah) said after Pharaoh to the children of Israel, ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land.”  

The very failure to submit completely to the will of Allah is what has led – and will continue to lead – to every Arab “Islamic” military failure since 1948.

Ronald J Innerfield, MD, FACE


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