Management of coronary artery
therapeutic options in
patients with diabetes
Talal Hammoud a, Jean-François Tanguay a and Martial G. Bourassa aA
[a] Department of Medicine,
Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, Quebec,
A Reprint requests and
correspondence: Martial G. Bourassa, MD, Research
Center, Montreal Heart Institute,
5000 Belanger Street East, Montreal, Quebec H1T
1C8, Canada
Manuscript received 3 June 1999 Revised
26 January 2000 Accepted 29 March 2000;
- Abbreviations
- Abstract
- Particularities
of CAD in patients with DM
- Metabolic
abnormalities associated with
- Insulin
- Hyperglycemia
- Dyslipidemia
- Management of
CAD in patients with DM
- Behavioral
- Control
of hyperglycemia
- Lipid-lowering
- Control
of hypertension
- Other
therapeutic considerations
- Thrombolytic
- Insulin-glucose
- Antiplatelet
agents and anticoagulants
- Beta-blockers
- Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors
- Percutaneous
coronary revascularization in
patients with symptomatic CAD
and DM
- Role of
balloon angioplasty
- Short-
and long-term follow-up
- Role of
coronary stenting
- In-hospital
- Short-
and long-term follow-up
- Mechanisms
of restenosis and role of
- Role of
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
platelet receptor
- Cabg in
patients with symptomatic CAD
and DM
- Summary and
future directions
- References
and Notes
The aim of this review is to
discuss the particularities of
coronary artery disease (CAD),
the effect of intensive medical
management and the outcome of
percutaneous and surgical
revascularization in patients
with diabetes mellitus (DM).
CAD represents the leading
cause of death in patients with
DM. Numerous clinical, biological
and angiographic risk factors
have been shown to be associated
with CAD in diabetic patients.
Metabolic abnormalities in
patients with DM including
insulin resistance, hyperglycemia
and dyslipidemia are briefly
discussed. Then the potential
roles of medical management and
of percutaneous and surgical
coronary revascularization are
more extensively reviewed.
More vigorous control of
hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia,
hypertension and other risk
factors may be of crucial
importance for risk reduction.
Despite remarkable progress in
recent years, the choice of a
coronary revascularization
strategy remains a challenge in
these patients. Diabetic patients
with CAD are predisposed to
higher cardiovascular events
after balloon angioplasty.
Whether stenting and new
antiplatelet drugs improve the
results of percutaneous
revascularization in this
population needs further
evaluation. The superiority of
the surgical approach is also not
definitely established.
Therefore, many aspects of
coronary revascularization are
still unclear in these patients.
The results of ongoing
randomized trials comparing
multiple coronary stents to
bypass surgery will likely
provide some answers to our
questions and additional
randomized trials evaluating
intensive diabetic control with
or without coronary
revascularization are needed to
determine the best therapeutic
approach in these patients.
DM=diabetes mellitus;
IRDM=insulin-requiring diabetes
mellitus; NIRDM=non-insulin-requiring
diabetes mellitus; CAD=coronary
artery disease; CABG=coronary artery
bypass grafting; PTCA=percutaneous
transluminal coronary angioplasty;
MI=myocardial infarction; TVR=target
vessel revascularization;
IMA=internal mammary artery
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated
with a markedly increased prevalence
of coronary artery disease (CAD). The
overall prevalence of CAD, as
assessed by various diagnostic
methods, is as high as 55% among
adult patients with DM, compared with
2% to 4% for the general population (1). Diabetes
mellitus also represents an
independent risk factor for increased
mortality and morbidity [1] [2]
[3] [4]. The
cardiovascular mortality rate is more
than doubled in men and more than
quadrupled in women who have DM,
compared with their nondiabetic
counterparts (2,4)
(2,4), and
post-MI prognosis is also worse in
these patients [5]
[6] [7] [8].
Moreover, DM is a recognized risk
factor for poor outcome after either
percutaneous [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] or surgical [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] coronary
revascularization. Yet, up to 25% of
patients referred for such procedures
are diabetics [9]
[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]. In spite of
tremendous recent progress in these
procedures, the optimal therapeutic
strategy in diabetics remains
controversial (14,17)
This review describes specific
aspects of CAD in diabetics,
particularly its clinical,
angiographic, metabolic and
biological features. It also
discusses the effects of intensive
medical management as well as early
and late outcome after percutaneous
transluminal coronary angioplasty
(PTCA) and coronary artery bypass
grafting (CABG) in an attempt to
determine an optimal therapeutic
strategy in this patient population.
of CAD in patients with DM
Several clinical, angiographic and
biological features are associated
with CAD in diabetic patients; they
constitute potential risk factors and
confer a poor prognosis ( [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]
[9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47], Table 1).
Endothelial dysfunction [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37], platelet and
coagulation abnormalities [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] and metabolic
disorders [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] associated
with DM play a major role in the
accelerated atherosclerotic process
and in the formation of coronary
thrombosis, and they contribute
substantially to the complex healing
process after arterial wall injury.
Angiographic features related
particularly to diffuse and distal
coronary disease may lead to
incomplete revascularization or
increase the risk of surgical or
percutaneous intervention in these
patients [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]. The risk of
morbidity and mortality is also
increased by several unfavorable
clinical characteristics that are
more common in diabetic patients [6] [7]
[8] [9] [10] [11] [12].
Table 1. Potential
Risk Factors Associated with
Diabetes Mellitus legend |
Clinical |
Older patients
(6,9,26,28) |
Female gender
(6,9,11,27,28) |
(6,9,11,26) |
High prevalence
of high blood pressure
(9,11,13,26,28) |
More severe
angina (9,13) |
Congestive heart
failure antecedents
(9,11,13,27) |
Previous MI
(6,13,27,28) |
Previous CABG
(6,26,28) |
Worse post-MI
prognosis (48) |
Biological |
dysfunction (31,32) with
reduced coronary flow
reserve (3335) |
Endothelial cell
multiplication and
migration abnormalities
(36,37) |
platelet activity
(3840) |
thromboxane A2
secretion (42) |
platelet activated
fraction (41) |
fibrinogen and factor VII
levels (43) |
antithrombin III and
plasma fibrinolytic
activity (43) |
Role of insulin
and insulin-like growth
factor (32,44) |
High plasminogen
activator inhibitor 1
(45,46) |
Angiographic |
Diffuse and
distal CAD (6,13) |
disease with
angiographically small
reference vessels (6,29) |
(57,9,13,26,28) |
Frequent left
main disease (6,13) |
Poorer coronary
collateral vessel
development (30) |
Lower ejection
fraction (10,11) |
More thrombus
formation (47) |
= coronary artery
disease; CABG = coronary
artery bypass graft; MI =
myocardial infarction. |
abnormalities associated
with DM |
This metabolic syndrome,
first described by Reaven, has
been proposed as a unifying
concept in an attempt to explain
the different abnormalities
frequently observed in patients
with non-insulin-requiring DM
(NIRDM) (48,49)
(48,49). It
regroups hyperinsulinemia and
several cardiovascular risk
factors for CAD, including
abnormal lipid profile, impaired
glucose tolerance, hypertension
and upper-body obesity (48,49) (48,49).
Increased plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), reduced
vasodilatory response to
acetylcholine and the presence of
microalbuminuria have also been
described as part of this
syndrome (50).
The effect of hyperinsulinemia on
the occurrence of CAD has been
studied in various large
prospective studies, but as yet,
no unequivocal relationship has
been established [51]
[52] [53] [54]. A
meta-analysis done by Ruige et
al. (53),
regrouping data from 12
prospective studies evaluating
this association, found that
hyperinsulinemia was a weak risk
indicator for CAD and that the
relationship was influenced by
patients' ethnic background and
the type of insulin assay
involved in these studies. Many
cross-sectional studies have
indicated that insulin resistance
is associated with
ultrasonographically or
angiographically assessed
atherosclerosis even in the
absence of other risk factors [55] [56] [57] [58]. However,
there is still controversy about
the mechanisms by which the
insulin resistance syndrome
appears to induce, or at least
enhance, atherogenesis. This
syndrome may be related to common
cardiovascular risk factors or
may be directly accelerated by
hyperinsulinemia (44,50,52,59)
Reaven hypothesized that insulin
resistance and compensatory
hyperinsulinemia might be the
primary events causing
hypertension, leading
subsequently to an increased risk
of CAD (59).
However, the exact role of
insulin remains controversial
because epidemiological and
experimental data suggest that
insulin does not accelerate
atherosclerosis (58,60)
Moreover, recent data suggest
that impaired microvascular
function may be a central
mechanism linking insulin
sensitivity to increased blood
pressure, and therefore to
macrovascular disease in insulin
resistance states (61).
Traditional risk factors
account only for 25%50% of
the increase in risk of CAD in
diabetics (62).
Thus, there can be little doubt
that hyperglycemia and lipid
abnormalities associated with DM
play an important role in the
pathogenesis of CAD in these
patients. Several prospective
studies have reported that poor
glycemic control predicts CAD
risk in diabetic patients [63] [64] [65]. The
important Finnish study of Lehto
et al. (63)
in more than 1,000 diabetic
patients showed that the
simultaneous presence of high
fasting blood glucose levels and
abnormal lipid profile is
associated with a threefold
increase in the risk of CAD
mortality and morbidity at seven
Hyperglycemia appears to be
involved in each step of the
atherosclerotic process. Acutely
it attenuates
vasodilatation in humans in vivo (66) and leads
to adverse modifications in lipid
and coagulation factors (43,62) (43,62).
Chronic hyperglycemia can
glycosylate proteins and damage
the kidneys, leading to vascular
damage and secondary hypertension
(32,44,62) (32,44,62) (32,44,62). It
may also exert direct toxic
effects on the vasculature,
potentiating the development of
atherosclerosis (36,44)
Finally, there is unequivocal
evidence that hyperglycemia
interacts with other CAD risk
factors to exacerbate the risk of
CAD mortality (2).
associated with atherogenic,
small and dense low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and
decreased levels of high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are
the most common abnormalities in
type II DM (44,67)
Triglycerides' baseline levels
change with the development of
diabetes, and they are correlated
with levels of fasting
hyperglycemia; control of
hyperglycemia improves but does
not normalize these abnormalities
Although there is still no
consensus on the best marker of
CAD in diabetics (44,67,69)
(44,67,69) (44,67,69),
strategies based essentially on
LDL-cholesterol reduction in
these patients have recently
provided unequivocal arguments
for the role of these
abnormalities in diabetic
vasculopathy [44]
[45] [46] [47] [48] [49].
In summary, metabolic
abnormalities associated with DM
play an important role in the
formation and acceleration of
atherosclerosis. Their control
can possibly exert a notable
benefit in CAD prevention in
these patients.
of CAD in patients with DM
It has been shown that, even
without prior myocardial
infarction (MI), diabetic
patients have the same level of
cardiovascular risk as
nondiabetics having sustained an
MI (73),
suggesting perhaps that all type
II diabetic patients should
undergo secondary prevention.
However, there is also
substantial evidence that most
patients with DM do not receive
optimal recommended treatment (74,75) (74,75),
especially regarding the use of
lipid-lowering drugs and
angiotensin-converting enzyme
Cigarette smoking is an
independent predictor of
mortality in patients with DM (2,3,76) (2,3,76) (2,3,76). It is
particularly hazardous in
diabetic women with
insulin-requiring DM (IRDM)
because it more than doubles
their risk of cardiac mortality (76). Cigarette
smoking cessation is strongly
recommended for all diabetic
patients (2,4,75,76)
(2,4,75,76) (2,4,75,76) (2,4,75,76).
Weight loss and increased
physical activity are also
strongly indicated because of
their beneficial effects in
improving lipid profile, insulin
resistance, glycemic control,
hypertension, obesity, and
platelet and coagulation
abnormalities (75,77)
Control of
Recent studies show that
intensive glycemic control is
highly effective in preventing
and retarding microvascular and,
to a lesser degree, macrovascular
complications in both type I and
type II DM [78]
[79] [80] [81]. The
Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial (DCCT)
provided definite evidence of
major reduction in chronic
microvascular complications among
a group of type I diabetic
patients with tight glycemic
control (78)
and suggested a potential
beneficial effect of this
strategy on macrovascular
disease. Tight glycemic control
reduced major macrovascular
events by one-half in diabetics
compared with conventionally
treated patients (79).
However, this reduction did not
reach statistical significance.
The randomized United Kingdom
Prospective Diabetes Study
(UKPDS) (80)
has reported that, over 10 years
of follow-up, intensive glycemic
control by either insulin or
sulphonylureas significantly
reduced (by 25%) the risk of
microvascular complications in
NIRDM patients. Diabetes-related
mortality and MI incidence were
also reduced by 10% and 16%
respectively, but these
reductions did not reach
statistical significance (80). A similar
reduction was observed in
diet-treated obese NIRDM patients
taking metformin (81).
In addition, a recent
retrospective study has reported
that optimal glycemic control in
diabetic patients can favorably
influence major cardiac events
following PTCA (82).
Although no published
studies have specifically
investigated the effects of
lipid-lowering therapy on the
development of CAD in diabetic
patients, some solid arguments
support the efficacy of this
therapy in primary and secondary
prevention trials [69] [70] [71] [72]. A
subgroup analysis of the
Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival
Study (4S) (70)
indicated that, in diabetic
patients with
hypercholesterolemia, normal
triglycerides and established
CAD, lowering LDL-cholesterol
levels with the HMG CoA reductase
inhibitor simvastatin was
associated with a marked
reduction of major CAD and
related atherosclerotic events.
Five-year mortality was decreased
by 43% in diabetic versus 29% in
nondiabetic patients. Similar
outcomes were reported by the
Cholesterol And Recurrent Events
(CARE) trial (71),
evaluating the benefits of
pravastatin in patients with
average cholesterol levels after
MI. There was a greater benefit
of pravastatin in diabetics than
in nondiabetics, with greater
relative risk reduction for CAD
major events and for
revascularization procedures
during a five-year follow-up.
Finally, in the Long-term
Intervention with Pravastatin in
Ischemic Disease (LIPID) trial (72),
pravastatin therapy also showed a
19%, albeit not statistically
significant, reduction of the
composite end point of
CAD-related death and MI during a
6.1-year follow-up in a subgroup
of diabetics with a history of MI
or unstable angina and with a
broad range of initial
cholesterol levels.
Control of
Recent studies have shown
that adequate blood pressure
control markedly reduced major
cardiovascular events related to
macrovascular complications [83] [84] [85] [86]. An
important beneficial effect on
microvascular disease was also
demonstrated in the UKPDS study,
where blood pressure was
controlled by beta-blockers or
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors (84).
However, there is still some
uncertainty concerning blood
pressure levels needed for
maximal benefit, as well as the
optimal drug classes to be used
in these patients (44,83,87) (44,83,87) (44,83,87). The
recently revised guidelines for
the treatment of hypertension by
the Joint National Committee on
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation
and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure recommended a level
around 130/85 mm Hg for diabetic
patients, which is compatible
with the smallest decline in
renal function in these patients (83,87) (83,87).
First-line therapy should be
based on cardioselective
beta-blockers and diuretics that
have been convincingly shown to
reduce mortality and morbidity in
patients with diabetic
nephropathy and in NIRDM patients
Angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors and calcium channel
blocking agents can be added as
second-line therapy. (83,87) (83,87).
therapeutic considerations
Recent studies have
confirmed that DM is a major
independent predictor of acute
and long-term post-MI mortality
and morbidity, particularly in
women and in IRDM patients [5] [6] [7] [8]. Numerous
factors, including more severe
CAD, associated comorbidity,
metabolic derangements, silent
ischemia and late or atypical
presentation may contribute to a
lesser use of fibrinolytic agents
(88) and to
a worse post-MI prognosis in
these patients (5,6)
(5,6). An
overview by the Fibrinolytic
Therapy Trialists' Collaborative
Group (89),
including 43 073 patients among
whom 4,529 were diabetics,
confirmed the benefit of
thrombolysis in diabetic
patients. The absolute reduction
in mortality was greater in
diabetics than in nondiabetics
(3.7% vs. 2.1%) despite a greater
35-day mortality rate in
diabetics (13.6% vs. 8.7%).
Diabetics also had a slightly
greater absolute increase, albeit
not statistically significant, in
the risk of haemorrhagic stroke
(0.6% vs. 0.4%), but vitreous
hemorrhage was rare. Data from a
recent British study suggest that
retinopathy is not a
contraindication to thrombolysis
except in the presence of a
recent vitreous hemorrhage (90).
Long-term mortality in
diabetic patients hospitalized
for acute MI may be reduced by an
insulin-glucose infusion followed
by multidose insulin treatment,
as demonstrated recently by a
Swedish prospective study (91,92) (91,92).
Insulin therapy appears to
beneficially influence all
cardiovascular causes of
mortality, with a particular
impact on fatal reinfarction and
left ventricular failure (91). Another
recent study reported a favorable
mortality trend following
infusion in acute MI patients
given reperfusion therapy (93).
agents and anticoagulants
Platelet and coagulation
abnormalities contribute to CAD
in diabetics (5,38,62)
(5,38,62) (5,38,62).
Although more clinical trials are
needed, current evidence supports
antiplatelet therapy for
diabetics. The meta-analysis of
the Antiplatelet Trialists'
Collaboration Group included 47
000 patients (10% diabetics) and
reported an important benefit of
aspirin therapy in diabetics with
or at an increased risk for
vascular disease (94).
The combined end point of
vascular death, MI or stroke was
22.3% in the control group and
18.5% in those receiving aspirin.
The magnitude of this benefit in
diabetics was similar to that
observed in nondiabetics, without
an excess in bleeding
Recent trials have shown that
low-molecular-weight heparins are
more effective than placebo and
as beneficial as or more
beneficial than unfractionated
heparin in the acute treatment of
patients with unstable angina or
non-Q-wave MI [95]
[96] [97]. In
general, these studies show a
consistent treatment effect among
patient subgroups, and the
ESSENCE trial in particular has
shown comparable benefits in
patients with or without DM (98). In the
TIMI 11B trial, the superiority
of enoxaparin over unfractionated
heparin in preventing death and
cardiac ischemic events was
greatest in high-risk patients (99). In the
GUSTO IIB trial, hirudin, a
direct thrombin inhibitor, was
modestly more effective than
unfractionated heparin in the
treatment of diabetic patients
with acute coronary syndromes and
was not associated with an
increased risk (100).
Recent clinical trial evidence
suggests that glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa inhibitors reduce the
early and mid-term incidence of
death, MI and recurrent angina in
patients with unstable angina or
non Q-wave MI [101]
[102] [103] [104] [105]. In
PRISM-PLUS, the reduction in
clinical events in the group
receiving tirofiban plus heparin
compared with that receiving
heparin-only was important for
both DM and non-DM subgroups (102).
However, as compared with heparin
therapy only, combination therapy
reduced the secondary end point
of death and MI to a much greater
extent (88% versus 43%, p =
0.005) in diabetics than in the
overall study population (103). In the
PURSUIT study, death and nonfatal
MI were also significantly
reduced by eptifibatide therapy
as compared with placebo in both
DM and non-DM subgroups (104).
However, compared with
nondiabetics, 30-day mortality
was significantly more reduced in
IRDM patients (105).
Finally, a meta-analysis pooling
all diabetic patients in 10
recent clinical trials of the
effects of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
antagonists showed that diabetics
had twice the absolute reduction
in event rates seen in
nondiabetics (106).
There was a trend favoring a DM
interaction that, however, did
not reach statistical
significance. The efficacy and
benefits of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibitors in diabetic patients
undergoing percutaneous coronary
interventions are discussed in
the next section.
Pooled trial results of
beta-blockers given soon after MI
have shown a 37% mortality
reduction in diabetics compared
with 13% in all treated patients,
and a similar beneficial decrease
in the incidence of reinfarction (107). These
drugs are also effective in
reducing mortality when given
long-term after MI (107,108) (107,108).
enzyme inhibitors
Subgroup analysis of
several studies have suggested
that angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibition in diabetics
with acute MI is associated with
larger reductions in short-term
mortality and occurrence of
congestive heart failure than in
nondiabetic patients (109,110) (109,110).
Similar data support an important
long-term benefit of these drugs
in diabetics suffering from acute
MI with left ventricular
dysfunction (111,112)
Recent results from the Danish
TRACE study showed that
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibition after MI complicated
by left ventricular dysfunction
in diabetics saved lives and
substantially reduced the risk of
progression to severe heart
failure (112).
Furthermore, diabetic patients
represent fairly large subgroups
of congestive heart failure
patients in whom
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors were extensively
evaluated. In these studies,
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors often reduced
mortality and morbidity even more
in diabetic than in nondiabetic
patients (113).
The final results of the Heart
Outcome Prevention Evaluation
(HOPE) study were reported
recently (114,115)
In this trial, a predefined
subgroup of 3,657 middle-aged
diabetic patients at risk for
renal and cardiovascular disease
was randomized to receive the
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor ramipril or a placebo
for four years. The primary end
point of cardiovascular
mortality, MI and stroke was
reduced by 24% and mortality
alone was reduced by 38% in the
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor group. Diabetic
complications and microvascular
disease were reduced by 17%. An
important finding of this trial
is that the reduction of outcome
events was similar in patients
with or without left ventricular
dysfunction (115).
In summary, data from recent
prospective studies have provided
solid arguments for intensive
glycemic, lipid and blood
pressure control in diabetics. In
addition, several evidence-based
pharmacological treatment
strategies have been convincingly
shown to confer major benefit on
morbidity and mortality in
diabetic patients with CAD.
Additional randomized studies
should evaluate the role of tight
metabolic control on reduction of
major cardiovascular events with
or without coronary
revascularization in
patients with symptomatic
CAD and DM |
Diabetes mellitus is a
recognized risk factor for poor
early and late outcome after CABG
[18] [19] [20] [21] [22], and is
also identified as an important
predictor of progression and
occlusion of bypassed and
nonbypassed coronary segments (20,24) (20,24).
As discussed above, the BARI
randomized trial (10,11)
(10,11), and
to a lesser extent the BARI
registry (16),
have shown that patients with DM
and multivessel disease assigned
to an initial strategy of CABG
have a striking reduction in
cardiac mortality compared with
PTCA. Post-hoc analyses were also
performed in subsets of diabetic
patients in three smaller
randomized trials comparing PTCA
and CABG. Results similar to
those of BARI were obtained in
one trial (12),
but CABG outcome was not superior
to that of PTCA in the two other
trials (23,24)
Large retrospective databases of
diabetic patients who have
undergone coronary intervention
procedures may not be suitable to
compare CABG and percutaneous
intervention because patients in
the two treatment groups are
almost certainly not comparable
in terms of prognosis. Be that as
it may, two large databases of
patients with multivessel CAD
from Emory (15)
and Duke (22)
university studies assessing the
results of revascularization
procedures in diabetic patients
have been reported. In the Emory
study, only the IRDM subgroup
treated by PTCA had lower five-
and 10-year survival rates than
the CABG group (15).
In the Duke study, DM was
associated with worse five-year
survival, but the effect of DM on
prognosis was similar in both
treatment strategies (22).
In patients undergoing CABG, the
superiority in terms of long-term
survival of internal mammary
artery (IMA) conduits to the left
anterior descending coronary
artery over autologous saphenous
vein grafts is well established (141).
Therefore, it is not surprising
that the benefit of CABG in the
diabetic subgroup in BARI was
confined to those receiving at
least one IMA graft (10,11) (10,11).
Whether bilateral IMA grafting
confers yet an additional benefit
in these patients is not known,
particularly because this
technique carries a greater risk
of sternal wound complications in
diabetics than in nondiabetics [142] [143] [144].
However, DM should not be an
absolute contraindication to
bilateral IMA use, which should
be adjusted to the coronary bed
needing revascularization and to
the patient's age (144).
In summary, the superiority of
CABG over PTCA in diabetics is
not well established. Conclusions
drawn from the diabetic subgroup
of the BARI trial must be
confirmed in larger randomized
and future directions
The optimal strategy of
coronary revascularization in
diabetics remains to be
determined. Many biological,
hematological and metabolic
abnormalities predispose diabetic
patients undergoing percutaneous
revascularization to a high
incidence of in-hospital and
long-term cardiovascular events,
presumably because of incomplete
revascularization, high
restenosis rates and CAD
progression. Whether stents will
improve outcome in this
population is still
controversial, and prospective
investigation of this issue is
required. Moreover, the
superiority of a surgical
strategy over percutaneous
revascularization in this
population remains unproven.
These conclusions were drawn from
trials done at the end of the
1980s and beginning of the 1990s,
when stents were emerging and the
important class of GP IIb/IIIa
inhibitors had not yet been
developed. These two important
catheter-based advances should
have a positive influence on
clinical outcome in future
investigations, as suggested by
the results of the diabetic
subgroup in the EPISTENT study.
Locally delivered ionizing
radiation and gene therapy may
also have a potential role in
this high-risk population.
Furthermore, treatment advances
are not confined to
interventional cardiology, as
less invasive surgical techniques
may offer advantages over
conventional CABG. Final results
from the two European randomized
trials of stenting versus CABG
(Arterial Revascularization
Therapy Study [ARTS] and Stent or
Surgery [SOS]) will probably shed
some new light on coronary
revascularization in diabetic
patients. Moreover, the
demonstrated benefit of strict
glycemic, lipid and blood
pressure control indicate that
this management strategy should
be routinely enforced in these
patients and that their effect
after coronary revascularization
should be prospectively
evaluated. Data from the planned
BARI-II trial, which will
randomize diabetic patients and
will include coronary stenting as
well as intensive glycemic and
lipid control, should answer the
major questions concerning
therapeutic strategies in this
In conclusion, many aspects
related to coronary
revascularization in diabetics
remain unclear, and further
randomized investigations
evaluating the latest new
progress in percutaneous as well
as surgical revascularization
will help physicians make better
therapeutic decisions. Until the
results of ongoing and future
trials are available, management
of CAD in patients with DM will
continue to pose a challenge to
the medical profession
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Article Footnote.Dr.
Hammoud is currently a member of
the Department of Cardiology,
Bahman Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon.
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